
One day I caught my reflection in the window of the BART and was rather pleased and a little surprised at the person I was projecting.

Look at me, standing here, riding public transportation in a big city after a solid day’s work. This girl knows what she’s ABOUT. She’s an adult and she doesn’t even care.

I’m working a leather jacket–FAUX LEATHER you damn imaginary brain hippies. I’m rocking some skinny jeans like a damn boss, and my feet are sporting moto-inspired wedged booties. How do booties even get inspired? By badassery, that’s how.

This is a cool woman’s reflection. I am a cool woman in this moment.

Ooh! You know what would complete this cool persona?

Dark nails and leather jacket

Fingerless gloves.

God dammit, nerd brain! Always undermining me by revealing how uncool we really are. Thanks for nothing.

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