A costumed life

I was wondering, after this year’s round of Halloween parties and subsequent photos, how many years of Halloween pictures could I collect?

19. 19 years out of 27…but some years included more than one costume, so there are in fact 21 different costumes represented. THAT’S SO MANY! You could tell a story with that many pictures…

Once upon a time there was a little princess...

She had a funny family...

that really quacked her up.

And while she loved her family and like-minded friends...

the little princess didn't want...

to live her life as a Puritan.

She wanted a real companion.

So she made new friends...

joined a band, and thought...

where is the man for me?

She searched the Wild West...

and over the universe.

She tried her hand at witchcraft...

briefly turned to a life of crime...

and even consulted with the devil.

(She took a quick a 3-hour tour to clear her mind.)

She searched the skies and wondered, would she ever find him?

Yes! Yes she found him.

They had many adventures together...

along with their alien.

And she wondered, is this the happy ending?

Or the happy beginning?


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